Everybody Should Know the Difference Between Heart Attack, Failure & Arrest

People often get confused between a heart attack, cardiac arrest, and heart failure. Though they are thought to be the same, they are not and all these terms stand for different heart conditions with radically different causes and treatments.

Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart is obstructed by a blood clot or blockage in the arteries due to plaque built up.
The heart continues to beat, but because of the blockage, it does not receive an uninterrupted supply of oxygen and blood.
Symptoms include chest pain, faintness, sudden sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, the heavy pounding of the heart, restlessness and anxiety. Heart Blockage Treatment is important to avoid a heart attack. 

Cardiac Arrest

In cardiac arrest, the heart stops beating and has to be restarted.
While a heart attack is a circulation problem, cardiac arrest is an electrical problem, caused by a disruption of the heart’s rhythm. Cardiac arrest is often a temporary condition experienced during a medical emergency. Symptoms may be experienced up to a month before the cardiac arrest.

Heart Failure

Heart failure occurs when the heart muscle fails to pump an adequate amount of blood required by the body. It is usually a long-term, chronic condition, but it may occur suddenly.
When the heart fails to pump normally, the hormone and nervous systems have to compensate for the lack of blood. The blood pressure of the victim may rise in this case, making the heart beat faster and causing it to hold on to salt and water. When the retained fluid builds up, it is known as congestive heart failure.

There may be no symptoms in the early stages of congestive heart failure. When symptoms do show up, they may include weight gain and nausea. Delhi has some of the best cardiologist in India and consultation is easily available for anyone seeking expert advice. 


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