Know All Major Symptoms of Brain Tumours

A brain tumour can cause both physical as well as mental symptoms in the body. All the symptoms of a brain tumour can differ depending on the location, type, or the stage of the tumour that a person is suffering from.
According to the doctors associated with brain tumour treatment, some of these symptoms could be very general in nature and they might include events such as problems with the vision, headache, and changes in the mood. At the same time, personality and seizures can also signal towards the presence of a brain tumour in the body of a person.
Upon noticing the early symptoms of the problem, a person should get in touch with the doctor of the brain tumour treatment for a thorough diagnosis. Early diagnosis can always lead to better results.

Symptoms of Brain Tumour:
According to the doctors, the symptoms of this problem are similar despite the malignant or benign tumour happening to a person. The most common symptoms of brain tumour include the problems such as headaches, changes in personality, seizures, vision problems, loss of memory, constant mood swings, stiffness or tingling on one side of the body, loss of balance by the body, feeling of fatigue and nausea, the feeling of anxiety and depression. A person may also experience difficulty in terms of communicating with others. He may feel very confused and disoriented. There may be a loss of co-ordination in the body and the muscles may become weak.
Symptoms which are particular to the location of the tumour include:
  • Loss of balance and difficulty with fine motor skills.
  • Pressure or headache near the location of the tumour.
  • Complete loss of vision or partial loss, in some cases.
  • Changes in the pattern of hearing, speech, memory, and even emotional state.
  • Altered perception of the activities such as pressure or touch.
  • The inability of a person to look upward.
  • Difficulty in swallowing the food.


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