14 Surprising Signs and Symptoms of Blood Cancer Everyone Should Know

Blood cancer or Leukaemia refers to a group of diseases which impact the normal functioning of blood cells and weaken the circulatory system. Blood cancer leads to the growth of cancerous cells in the bone marrow, blood, and lymphatic system. The signs and symptoms of cancer in the blood are vague which makes early diagnosis difficult. A few common symptoms of blood cancer are as follows:

Extreme tiredness- The first sign of blood cancer is anaemia, which results in persistent fatigue.

Breathlessness, paleness, chest pain and dizziness- are other symptoms resulting from lack of red blood cells.

Stomach pains- Bloating is another common symptom of all types of blood cancer. The patient may feel full after eating a small amount or feel discomfort under the ribs.

Infections and high temperature- Blood cancer reduces the number of infection-fighting white blood cells. This can lead to flu-like symptoms, such as coughing or a sore throat.

Night sweats- If a person is experiencing night sweats, he should immediately consult a doctor as this could indicate blood cancer. The patient may also experience sudden bouts of chill.

Abnormal bleeding from cuts and gums- This is caused by a lack of blood clotting cells.

Massive blood flows in women during periods- A low level of blood-clotting cells can also lead to heavy periods in women.

Pain in bones/joints/ribs/back

Changes in the skin and itchiness

Swollen lymph glands- Lumps in the neck, armpit or groin could be a sign of building up of cancerous cells in your lymph glands.

A heavy headache and vision problem

Abnormal and unexplained weight loss- more than five percent of r weight loss without dieting or extra exercise – could indicate blood cancer.

Difficulty while urinating

Appearance of fine rashes, tiny red spots or dark spots over the body

If you see any of the above symptoms do not delay contacting a cancer specialist in India.
Blood cancer treatment includes chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


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