What to do when you get Breast Cancer?

Before understanding the process to deal with breast cancer, one should know what exactly breast cancer is. Breast cancer occurs when the cells located in the breast start growing at a very rapid speed and thus, the normal cells get crowd out. This makes the body function in an inappropriate manner. 

There are many types of breast cancer. Ductal Carcinoma in situ, Lobular Carcinoma in situ, Inflammatory Breast Cancer are a few to name. 

Well, if you have any doubt regarding your health the best thing is to visit a doctor and ask him certain questions that will make you feel better and clearer. Ask him if you have cancer or not, the type of cancer, the treatment process, the success rate etc. This will give you more confidence and the will power to fight the disease. 

You should undergo some tests to confirm whether you are suffering from an illness or not. 

Mammogram helps detect the breast cancer quite early so that you can take the precautionary measures as soon as possible. 

MRI Scan
Rather than using x-rays to take the pictures, MRI Scan makes use of magnets and radio waves. MRI Scan helps to see the size of the cancer in the breast and, it’s exact location. 

Breast ultrasound
Breast Cancer Doctors’ usually move a tiny wand around the skin. The sound waves and echoes are picked up as the tissues bounce off. The echoes get displayed on the computer screen and thus, the doctor can check whether the lump is a cyst or some tumor that could be cancer. 

Nipple discharge exam
If fluid gets discharged from the nipples on irregular intervals, chances are there that you are suffering from breast cancer. The discharge is sent to a lab for further tests.

Make sure you get these tests done if you have any doubt. It is better to be completely aware and go for a treatment rather than living in your own world of illusions. 


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