What is the survival rate of blood cancer?

To know about the survival rate of Blood Cancer in general, below mentioned are few facts that will help you analyze the same in a bit more detail. 1. Talking about the deaths, approximately one individual dies in every 9 minutes due to blood cancer. This implies, 6 people lose their life every hour or 160 people lose their life each day. 2. Discussing about the recent statistics, in year 2018, blood cancer categories, namely, Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma caused deaths of 58,100 people (approximately). The rate at which cancer treatments in India is growing follows an exponential distribution. 3. Of the total deaths that takes place due to cancer, nearly 9.5 percent are a result of blood cancer. Survival rate for Leukemia has increased tremendously. It has more than quadrupled since the 1960s, owing to the advancement in the medical sector and the very efficient Blood Cancer Hospitals in India . Talking about Hodgkin and Non-Ho...