How Do I Recognise If I Have Breast Cancer? Symptoms & Treatments

Breast cancer is a common kind of cancer in women. During all its early stages, cancer doesn’t show any sign or symptom. It is when breast cancer develops into advanced stages, the signs and symptoms begin to appear. According to the breast cancer doctor, you must take all these following signs and symptoms of breast cancer seriously:

1. A lump caused in your breast or underarm that doesn’t go away after your period is considered to be one sign of breast cancer. Lumps that are associated with the cancer are painless, some of them might cause a prickly sensation.

2. Swelling caused in the armpit or collarbone could also suggest that breast cancer has reached the lymph nodes in that particular area. This swelling comes before you start feeling a lump.

3. If you are suffering from frequent pain or tenderness in your breasts, it could also be taken as a warning sign of breast cancer.

4. The presence of a flat or indented area on to your breast is another important sign of breast cancer that you must be aware of.

5. According to the breast cancer doctor, certain changes in the formation of the breast such as its size, texture, contour and even temperature of your breast is a sign of breast cancer.

6. Any kind of change in your nipple is considered to be a sign or symptom of breast cancer. Your nipple could pull inward, get dimpled, itch, burn or develop sore. You must take all of these seriously.

7. An unusual discharge from your nipple – clear, bloody or of any color should also be taken seriously as it is directly associated with breast cancer.

Breast cancer treatment: 
Upon facing any kind of sign or symptom listed above, you must get in touch with your doctor at once. There are different kinds of breast cancer treatment depending upon the gravity as well as the stage of cancer that you are suffering from. These treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone-blocking therapy.

Additional Read : Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms & Prevention 


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