What to Do After the Diagnosis of Cancer?

Anxiety and uncertainty may engulf you once you have been diagnosed with cancer. The statistics, unfamiliar words and urgency make life even more troublesome. It is good to talk with the friends and family members to stay in touch with your doctor. Also, remember to search for the best cancer hospital in India , and know more about it through the ratings given in the leading websites. Understand your Available Options Your doctor will tell you more about the stage of cancer and the treatment options available for you. The treatment options that a reputed cancer hospital may provide include: Immunotherapy Chemotherapy Surgery Hormone therapy Targeted therapy Palliative care Radiation therapy Others Evaluate the Benefits and Risks Evaluation will help you know what benefits you can get through the therapy method chosen. Side effects, chances of complete or partial cure, the effect on life's quality, recurrence of cancer and other outcomes should be evaluated t...