Facts About Blood Cancers You Should Know

Below mentioned are some of the very informative facts about Blood Cancer that everyone should be aware of. It does not matter, whether the individual is suffering from that illness or not. Gaining information is very necessary as it can really turn out to be of great help for your own self or for someone else.

  • Blood Cancer can be classified into three major categories; Lymphoma – Lymphoma cancer affects the lymphatic system of the individual in a very bad manner. Leukemia – Leukemia cancer is located at the bone marrow and in the blood. This is one of the most common forms of blood cancer. Myeloma – This type of cancer targets the individual’s plasma cells. 

  • Leukemia cancer is found to be more in the male population as compared to the female population. And the success rate of getting rid from this type of cancer is also very low in the males as compared to the females.
  • Leukemia is 10th most frequently occurring form of blood cancer. This has been proven as a stated fact. Make sure you are aware of the best Blood Cancer Hospital in India in case of any emergencies. 

  • The blood cancer classification Lymphoma is further divided into two categories; Hodgkin Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The former one spreads in a systematic order from one part of lymph to the other part, following a set path and the latter one goes in an unsystematic manner and is more dangerous to handle. 

  • In a duration of every 10 minutes, an individual die from cancer. This is surprising and speaks a lot about how far the growth in medical field has taken place. A lot needs to be done!

  • Age is one of major factor that decides the probability of cancer happening or not happening. 


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